Saturday, June 14, 2014


Hey everyone!

Today I am going to be reviewing and talking about City of Heavenly Fire by Cassandra Clare. The first part of this post will be spoiler free, and then the second part will be a discussion with spoilers for both COHF and the Infernal Devices trilogy.


I gave this book a 5 out of 5 stars on Goodreads. This book was truly amazing and it was a great conclusion to this epic series. It contained so much character growth from the first book City of Bones until now. It is definitely one of my favorite books.


I have so many feels from this book!! Most of my feels were actually from the Infernal Devices references though, because every time they mentioned Jem, aka Brother Zachariah, or Tessa, or Charlotte, or Church, or Jessamine, or, my personal favorite, Will, I squealed. If you haven't read TID you should not be reading this, because I will spoil it for you, but you will not appreciate this book to its full capacity. I loved seeing Jem and Tessa finally together, and every time that Will was mentioned I started crying. For example, when Tessa says he is at Jocelyn's wedding...SO MANY FEELS. And Jessamine protects the London Institute, and Magnus says, "I hope she's at peace now" or something like that. We also saw Jem steal Church, which was hilarious. And when Tessa gives Clary Will's ring...amazing part. When Jem was speaking Mandarin as well and when he said the people who raise you are your family, he was thinking of Charlotte. And when we find out that Fray is from Fairchild and Gray...I cried.

The character development in this book was phenomenal. Alec grew so much as a character and I LOVED him in this book. Izzy finally gave her heart away and she became so much more opened and we saw her how Simon sees her. Jace grew up. Magnus learned what it means to love, and I love him...his development from Clockwork Angel to City of Heavenly Fire is tremendous! And Clary finally became less headstrong and was a strong and worthy female protagonist. I thought that she matured so much from City of Glass to here and I loved seeing her growth.

Can we talk about Alec's sass for a moment? He was so so so funny! I loved his character way too much in this book. Here are some of his best lines: "I did not make a pie for three reasons. One because I do not have any pie ingredients. Two, because I don’t actually know how to make a pie." "And three?" "Because I am not your bitch." 

"You BROKE my PHONE." (Total white girl moment, Alec)
"Straight people. Why can't they control themselves?"

Jace was just as humorous as usual too. I love in the beginning when Jordan is trying to teach him to be calm and he is like what brings you peace, and Jace says war and weapons. 

Now let's discuss Simon. Everyone thought that nothing could happen to him, but then he forgets everything he's been through because of Magnus's dad. But luckily, thanks to Magnus and Izzy, he will ascend like Sophie. I was heartbroken over this part, but this was honestly the worst thing Cassandra did to us in this book, as she didn't kill off any main characters.

The deaths! Actually if you read TID seven main people died: Woosley Scott, Jordan, Meliorn, Maureen, Raphael, Sebastian, and Amatis. Other deaths include Emma Carstairs's parents, the parabatai, one of who was Endarkend, and Andrew Blackthorn. I wasn't too heartbroken about these and I thought that Cassandra was kind of too nice almost. I was most heartbroken about Sebastian's death, believe it or not, because of the way that Clare wrote it. Honestly, this book wasn't as heartbreaking as I thought it would be though and we can all tell that Cassandra Clare likes her happy endings.


That's pretty much all for my review! The last thing is that today I am going to rank Cassandra Clare's books:

1) Clockwork Princess
2) Clockwork Prince
3) City of Glass
4) City of Heavenly Fire
5) Clockwork Angel
6) City of Ashes
7) City of Lost Souls
8) City of Bones
9) City of Fallen Angels

Thanks for reading my review! I will see you back here tomorrow for the City of Heavenly Fire tag! Let me know your thoughts on this book below :)

Happy reading!
Becki xx

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